Labels:text | font | screenshot | black and white | document OCR: - If you do not have a text editor, you can create the file by typing the following: copy * sys:pc/system/aboot .ctrl <return> fhi : pcdrives/drivec <return> <CTRL+\> <return> <return> means the Return key on the keyboard <CTRL+\> means hold down the Ctrl key and press the backslash (\) key, - Make sure the aboot. ctrl file is correct by typing: type sys : pc/system/aboot . ctrl The Amiga should respond with: fhl : pcdrives/drivec (or whatever name you used on the MakeAB command line) . Now type: list fhi: pcdrives/drivec {substitute the volume, directory, and name you used) . This should show as a very large file. - You're done with the CLI/SHELL part. To get rid of the CLI/SHELL, type: endcli - You do not need to tell the A2286 AT Bridgeboard'$ SETUP program about the fake C: drive. The Janus software will locate it automatically. - Bring the PC window to the front. - Ingert the MS-DOS 4. 01 INSTALL disk into the Bridgeboard's A: floppy drive. - Reboot the Bridgeboard (press CTRL+ALT+DEL) . NOTE : The MS-DOS INSTALL program will need a blank floppy of the same type as the MS-DOS INSTALL disk. - Follow the directions on the screen. See the MS-DOS 4.01 manual for further information. - Proceed with STEP 3. STEP 2C: If there are no* hard drives in your system, or you do not wish to create a fake MS-DOS C: drive on your Amiga's hard drive, you must install MS-DOS to floppies. This is not recommended. The system will work just fine, but using MS-DOS and MS-DOS applications will be very cumbersome. You really should get a hard drive for either the Amiga or the PC. Anyways: - Insert the MS-DOS 4. 01 INSTALL disk into the Bridgeboard's A: floppy drive. - Reboot the Bridgeboard (press CTRL+ALT+DEL) .